Thursday, 6 September 2018

Gardening - Term 3

Our gardens look great! The bulbs have bloomed and are smelling so good. Our vegetables are growing so well too!

This week we gathered some carrots from our vege patch. We plan on making something really yummy from them

Friday, 3 August 2018


Vegetable progress

Our vegetables are coming along so beautifully! It wont be too long until we can turn them into something delicious

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

The orchard harvest

Orange muffins

What a great start back to term 2! We were able to harvest some of the oranges from the trees in the orchard and use them to do some yummy baking!

We did lots of measuring, pouring, cracking and stirring. We even got to eat our treats afterwards. They tasted great!

Friday, 11 May 2018

Week two - Term two

Looking after the vege gardens 

Today  in gardening club we were looking after the vegetable gardens behind rooms 1&2. We started by digging up one of the potato planters. Eli and I found three potatoes and the other kids found four more.

Then we went to some of the strawberry plants and pulled out weeds. After that we went to the bean plants and did the the exact same thing.
Mrs Hahn even came to help us replant the corn which is growing beautifully!

It was another good day at gardening club

By Matthew and Eli

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Term 2

Hi, it's Matthew and Eli from the gardening club. We're working together on the gardening club blog to keep you updated on what we've been doing :) 

Today in gardening club we cleaned up the front garden by the office. We were pulling out little weeds and trying not to pull out bulbs. There is a lot of work to do. :-}

Gardening is very fun, you should try it some time!

Plus, your hard work earns you almost free fruit and vegetables. You just need seeds and water; and the sun which is free - bonus cool. :-D

By Matthew B and Eli TP

Tuesday, 10 April 2018



It was so exciting to see how our seeds have grown over the past few weeks!

Our next job is to weed the next two planter boxes

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Planting seeds

Planting seeds 

The gardening club has been really busy weeding the planter boxes and tyre planters behind the back of room 1 and 2. 
Today, we planted seeds. We are growing: 
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Leek
- Spring Onion
- Strawberries
- Peas
- Beans

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Summer harvest

Gardening club 2018

The gardening club has made a great start to 2018. We were able to start by harvesting some of the vegetables that had been planted the year before
We were lucky enough to find strawberries, cabbage, silver beet and tomatoes.