Wednesday, 26 March 2014

26 March 2014

Today's blog post by Ella and Anija.

Today we weeded the raised garden beds ready to plant new vegetable seedlings such as broccoli, herbs, beetroot, lettuce, spring onions and bok choi. We put coffee grounds in the soil to feed the plants and and to keep the snails away.

Then we talked about what plants grow well together like carrots and spring onions. Next we planted all of the seedlings and some carrot seed tape. We also planted some potatoes with comfrey leaves underneath to protect them from insects.

The last thing we did was put name tags in the beds so that we would know where things are and what we are growing. We also did watering after that so the plants would grow well and be delicious. Today was a fun day.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

12 March 2014

Today's blog posted by Vanessa and Natalie

This was our first day at gardening club. We went around all the gardens and went to check out how the plants were growing.In the orchard there were yummy peaches and apples to try but also a lot of weeds.
Delicious golden queen peaches.

We filled the new play garden with dirt and plants. It is not quite ready yet but we will have a grand opening soon.

Filling the play garden 

Lots of people helped fill the garden.

Planting the new plants.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Welcome to the Good Shepherd Garden Club blog


The Good Shepherd Garden Club began in April 2010 following a fund raising effort by the school council to purchase five raised garden beds.  Since that time the Garden Club has met weekly on a Wednesday and our gardens have expanded to include the area outside the office and an orchard.

The Garden Club has been fortunate to have received support from a range of sponsors who have donated gardening equipment and plants.  One of our key contributors has been the Mt Eden Village People's Fruit Trees for Auckland who donated all the trees for our orchard. 

Golden Queen peaches from our orchard

The Garden Club also holds market days two to three times a year where we sell our produce to help raise additional funds for projects such as a rainwater tank and the play garden which is currently under development.  This year we are hoping to raise enough money to purchase a small garden shed to store our tools and other equipment.

Our eager band of young gardeners are assisted each week by Ms Scanlan and a dedicated group of parent helpers - new parent helpers are always welcome! During a garden club session the children help with weeding, feeding, planting and harvesting and gain lots of knowledge and experience about gardening , plant life cycles and insect life.  Each week two children will also have the opportunity to take photographs and write a blog post about our gardening exploits further adding to the learning opportunities available to them through the Garden Club. Throughout the year we also have cooking sessions in small groups using garden produce.  This is definitely a highlight for many of the children.
Our bug hotel to attract beneficial insects to the garden
We look forward to sharing our gardening adventures and learning with you.  Please check our blog again soon!
Our tallest ever sunflowers.  Grown from seed collected from last years crop